About Me


My Spiritual Truth.

Growing up, my unique sensitivity often left me feeling out of place, struggling to fully embrace the essence of who I am. Being highly empathic and hypersensitive to both my surroundings and the emotions of others, I would often absorb the energies, moods, and feelings of those around me. This absorption left me feeling drained, bewildered, and unhappy.

Finding my spiritual path was a turning point; it taught me how to protect my energies and ground myself. I now feel immense gratitude for all the lessons encountered along the way. These experiences have not only fortified my resilience but have also prepared me for the growth and development I would face in adulthood.

As a child, I was imbued with a whimsical and mystical spirit. Looking back, I cherish this aspect of myself, recognizing that it revealed more about my destined path than conventional education ever could. My fascination with magic, mermaids, spirits, and all the realms in between was not mere fantasy; it was a profound connection to the divine. Deep within my heart, I knew that my journey would diverge from the conventional, requiring trust and confidence to pursue.

Through practices like meditation, clean eating, and mindfulness, I connected to my divine guidance, leading me down a path of healing and self-discovery. Despite a practical nature and occasional skepticism, I learned to quiet my mind and open my heart to a resonating truth. A seeker of truth and divinity, I continue to walk this path, assisting others along the way.

My spiritual gifts have manifested in beautiful ways, enriching my ability to serve those I encounter. The gift of channeling allows me to access divine wisdom, delivering messages of unconditional love, while my ability to read and feel energy deepens my understanding of love on a soul level.

These gifts and experiences shape who I am and fuel my commitment to guiding others on their spiritual journey.

Follow My Journey.