My Services


Tarot Card Reading

A Tarot Reading, offered as one of my services, employs Tarot cards as a tool to receive divine guidance from spirit. Together, we will select a card spread that resonates with your situation, possibly relating to various aspects of your life. Based on the cards drawn, I can channel and articulate specific messages to assist you on your journey, guiding you through any obstacles or blockages. With my ability to read energies, we will collaborate on empowering you to make the life changes that will steer you toward healing. A reading with me could open new perspectives, deepen your connection to your intuition, and illuminate a clear path to realizing your heart's deepest desires.

Duration: 45 Minutes

In Person & Virtual Options Available

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Angelic Reiki ® Healing Session

An Angelic Reiki® Healing session is a two-fold experience, beginning with talk therapy, where we explore the reasons you're seeking healing. This is followed by a hands-on healing exchange, during which I channel divine energy with the potential for profound transformation. Angelic Reiki® aims to awaken your own divine wisdom and clear energetic blockages, allowing for release and growth. Its true purpose is to foster self-love, which in itself facilitates healing on a soul level. Rather than attempting to fix or change, the goal of healing is to embrace and recognize all as divine, expressing our truth in its purest form. Our session together could grant healing to imbalances in the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of your being.

Duration: 1 Hour

In Person Only


All of my services are offered with your budget in mind.

While I strive to make healing accessible to all, I suggest the following rates:

Tarot Reading: $50

Angelic Reiki® Healing session: $100

Donations beyond these amounts are gratefully accepted, and flexibility is available for those in need. Thank you for your support, and please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns!


Questions before getting started? Get in touch.